Rotary manual














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For a bit of light reading, the 2019 Manual Of Procedure for Rotary is now available. It contains the following governance documents: • RI Constitution • RI Technical drawings, product manuals, the documents you never look at. Yeah, this section has our most current product manuals listed below. Rotary club and Rotary officer. If any questions arise about the meaning or inter- pretation of the manual, including the RI Constitution and otherThe Manual of Procedure offers a concise version of Rotary's policies and procedures. The manual is geared to Rotary club and district leaders and features Access the Manual of Procedure, RI Constitution, and RI Bylaws, and other governance documents. And learn how the Council on Legislation gives members a The purpose of the Manual of Procedure is to provide Rotary leaders with the constitutional and governance documents relevant to their service.

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