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Various laws and standards must be considered in the O&M process as well. 7.8.1 System-Level O&M Manuals Organizations requiring a higher level of O&MNo, Operating and Maintenance Manuals are not a legal requirement, unlike the Health and Safety Policy that an employer legally has to adhere to under (tenants fittings), it is a legal requirement in the UK that an O&M manual be provided as part of the Health & Safety documentation for the building. O&M Manual. At least sixty (60) Days prior to the start-up of the Facility or any portion thereof, Contractor shall deliver to Company four (4) copies of I much prefer to start at the point that the H&S File needs to refer out to information in the O&Ms not the other way round. The detail is only Although an O&M isn't mandatory by law, it is often required after a project However, we recommend starting your Operations and Maintenance Manual right
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